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If you're a member of the UMYWG thankyou for all you do. This is one of the many places we try to capture everything we do, but that's easier than it sounds thanks to the multiple elements that make up our role & youth program - Please don't hesitate to get in touch! We encourage any and all new ideas.

The Origin of the High Def Chicken

The High Def Chook

Have you ever wondered why the UMYWG logo is a chicken head? Well here's the tale that crept its way into all our hearts.

As the red glow in the sky got brighter, and the hot flames started creeping over Mt Mittamatite, it soon became clear that the bushfires weren't going away. Local residents were forced to decide whether to stay or go; to help protect their community, or get themselves to safety while there was still the opportunity to do so.

People with animals were faced with the impossible decision to either bring them along and hope to still find a place that will take them all in or leave them behind with the flame to fend for themselves. In most cases people managed to bring their cats or dogs with them, however in a rural town there's always more animals than this, and it was people's backyard chooks who pulled the short straw in the end.

Our tale in particular focusses on a small chook shed on the outskirts of town, home to about 5 hens.

There were no true witnesses to this next part of the story, yet the remarkable story has no other explanation. By this time the fire had blazed through the paddocks that separate Corryong and the mountain, and soon was licking the sides of the chicken house. It would seem that all was surely lost for the poor girls who were currently trapped inside, yet as the flames raged from every angle, their plastic water barrel suddenly gave way - flooding the pen and extinguishing the blaze! The chickens were discovered shortly after covered in ash, charcoal and smoke, but alive.

Chickens aren't often used as a symbol of resilience or survival, generally because the term has become associated with being scared or unwilling to try things. But after hearing this story at one of the first UMYWG meetings, the group decided to embrace the chicken head logo with full force, as it seemed to represent us more than any traditional symbol of survival ever could.

As for 'high def', well that's another story... (Hint; it's better than 'low res/resolution')

A massive thank you to Hannigan our local artist for designing and refining our logo, we will be sure to use it for many more years to come!

The High Def Chook Head in all its glory

Designed and created by a local youth artist, Hannigan Heycox. Now featured as the UMYWG (Upper Murray Youth Working Group) logo

High Def Chicken

Upper Murray Youth Space

Email youthspace@corryongnc.org
In writing

Youth Space - 42 Hanson st Corryong, Vic 3707



Youth Funding

  • Engage!

    The CNC youth program has been a recipient of Engage! funding since 2015. The program has supported Corryong Youth to explore new topics and give them a voice in the kinds of activities which were being delivered. If you want help getting an idea off the ground, just gather a small group of friends, and we can help make it happen!